Exercises: 7.2 and 7.6 Quantitative Methods in Health Care Management

Exercises: 7.2 and 7.6
The following exercises are required and cover topics in this week's required reading. Review the instructions carefully before completing and submitting the exercises. Complete Exercises 7.2 and 7.6 on pages 183 and 185 in Quantitative Methods in Health Care Management.
Use the Excel document below to record your answers. Save the template to your desktop before using. Excel template for Exercises 7.2 and 7.6 Exercise 7.2: Utilize the information from exercise 6.2, where pre-and post-examination processing of patients in an outpatient clinic involves various tasks performed by clerks and nurses.

a. Excluding the wait times by patients, recalculate the standard time.
b. If there were an average of 1,800 patient visits to the outpatient clinic, what would be the standard hours per month?
c. If the target utilization rate of the facility is 80 percent; the indirect support time per visit is 0.10 hour, and the total administrative time by all staff in a given day is five hours, what is the target FTE level for the clinic?
d. If fringe benefits account for 9 percent of the target FTEs, what are the required FTEs?

For 7.6 c, Use the following: Calculation of "Coverage Factor" for 10/40 plan Required coverege day per year 365 Weekend day per year 156 Holidays 10 Sick day 6 Vacation day 15 Exercise 7.6: Table Ex. 7.6 depicts the average RN minutes needed on a daily basis in various units.

ICU CCU SURG MED PED OB/GYN 7,000 8,000 8,500 9,000 7,500 6,500
a. Assuming an 85 percent utilization level and that everything else is constant, how many RN FTEs should be hired to satisfy the patient care demand in each unit?

b. The FTEs hired for SURG, MED, PED, and OB/GYN are scheduled for eight-hour shifts on 5/40 plan, and they will get ten holidays, six sick days, and fifteen paid vacation days per year. How does this information affect your FTEs?

c. The FTEs hired for the ICU and CCU are to be scheduled for ten-hour shifts on a 4/40 plan, and ICU and CCU nurses get the same benefits as do other unit nurses. How does this information affect your FTEs?

• Week 4 Exercise Assistance Exercises can be found in the reading. All page numbers refer to Quantitative Methods in Health Care Management: Exercise 7.2 a: Formula 6.6, p. 130, using 12% as allowance level, as shown on p. 131. Exercise 7.2c: Use Table 7.6, p. 174 Exercise 7.6 a: Formula 7.1, p. 175 Exercise 7.6 b: Formula 7.4, p. 176 Exercise 7.6 c: same as 7.6b. Refer to Table 7.7, p, 177 as model For 7.6b, use the following: Calculation of "Coverage Factor" for 5/40 plan Required coverage day per year 365 Weekend day per year 104 Holidays 10 Sick day 6 Vacation day 15 Exercise 6.2 Exercise 6.2: Pre- and post- examination processing of patients in an outpatient clinic involves various tasks performed by clerks and nurses. A time study conducted by the decision support department is shown in Table EX 6.2.

a. Determine the observed time for the pre-post exam process.

b. Determine the normal time for the pre-post exam process.

c. Determine the standard time for the pre-post exam process, using the basic-moderate allowance for the job.

d. Calculate the standard time for the exam process. Do you think the time spent in the outpatient clinic, without including the exam time, is reasonable? If not, what improvements would you recommend?

TABLE EX 6.2 Observations (in Minutes)

Performance Activity Rating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Registration 1.15 3 6 4 8 4 5 4 6 4 6 4 Copayment 0.95 7 9 11 8 12 9 6 11 9 12 10 Wait for nurse 1.00 17 15 17 12 11 17 12 19 12 20 18 Vital signs 0.96 9 8 11 12 9 8 10 12 8 12 11 Wait for exam room 1.00 12 15 12 14 21 18 11 16 9 14 18 Placement to exam room 0.98 3 5 4 6 3 5 3 6 5 4 7 Wait for physician 1.00 10 17 21 11 13 15 14 12 19 15 9 Examination 1.00 18 15 19 22 18 12 19 21 16 21 17 Test order entry 1.02 4 7 3 5 4 11 9 12 11 14 9 Referral requests 1.11 11 10 16 9 8 9 7 7 9 7 6 Follow-up appointment scheduling 1.08 3 5 3 4 3 4 4 5 3 3 5

Exercise 6.2 Assistance • Class, for assignment due in week 3, you may refer to these formulas and/or examples that can be found in the reading. All page numbers refer to Quantitative Methods in Health Care Management: Exercise 6.2a: Formula 6.3, p. 129 Exercise 6.2b: Formula 6.4, p. 129a Exercise 6.2c: Formula 6.6, p. 130, using 12% as allowance level, as shown on p. 131 Exercise 6.2d: The formula is the same for 6.2c but factor number is XXXXX Exercise 6.2 a. Formula 6.3, p. 129 To compute a time standard, three times must be calculated – observed time, normal time, and standard time. The observed time is the average of the ob

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