I was browsing through the net looking for some help for my homework when I came across this totally cool website called StudentofFortune.com.
It's a website that allows anyone to get answers to their questions and get paid for helping others. I've got to tell you, this site is helpful source of solutions. Here is how it works. Anyone can come along, including you, and post questions that they'd like to get assistance with. It could be help with homework, tutoring, proofreading, and research. Whatever. They provide solutions for mathematics , aka .. math—algebra, calculus , trigonometry, finance questions and much much more. Along with their questions, they're offering "bounties"--anywhere from $0.25 to $100.00--as an incentive for other folks to answer their question. In short, it's easy to get answers to questions on Student of Fortune.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist like you,lolz yeah yeah..to realize what a great opportunity this is for us to assistance to your course.
So, check out their website at http://www.studentoffortune.com/?speedtype. Sign up. Get help with a few questions, or earn some money helping others. See you there. :D