Visit the Vermont Teddy Bear website at Spend some time investigating the company's products and services by exploring the website. As you navigate the website, consider the following questions, and submit your answers in a double-spaced paper, no more than three pages long, to the Dropbox: Who might be in the target market for Vermont Teddy Bear? Support your answer by referring to the website. What needs are being met by Vermont Teddy Bear? What are the benefits they offer and do they outweigh the costs? How would you rate them on building customer relationships? Why? Briefly describe their marketing mix.
Finally, would you consider buying from Vermont Teddy Bear? Why or why not? (2)What is your fast food product’s marketing mix? Use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is excellent and 5 is totally unsatisfactory. Determine the reason for each rating, and discuss whether the marketer was successful or not in developing the marketing mix.
The fast food product your purchased. *Where you purchased it *Type of fast food restaurant where you purchased
Your product’s marketing mix description and ratings
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