Ballat bible review

Ballat Bible review

Since childhood, I have been actively dancing. I learned dancing at the period I started to learn to walk ,haha. In the earlier stages I would just learn dancing while watching television and later on went to dancing classes.

Being a student and a mother now, its hard to go to dance classes as life gets busy. I learned Ballat while was in high school, but never really mastered it as I just went to those classes for only 8 months.

For me ballat is not just a dance it is a full body workout, but some aspects of technique are commonly not presented with clarity as to what the anatomical factors are. Ballat exercises in soft shoes and pointed shoes all require the correct posture and alignments. I have always been passionate about ballat but being a mother now, its been impossible for me to go to those ballat dancing classes.

I came across this ballat bible package, and it’s been of tremendous help for me, as I could just use it while I have

Around half an hour at home, and I can just sit in front of the computer in my room get the music on and sometimes even dance with my husband :) This bible packages gave me those minute details about the postures and the grace and also helped me refresh and practice.

This package includes : download it here

ð The Ballat Bible - The 3 Simple Rules of a Prima Ballerina

ð 30 minutes of audio interview with Grant Davies from R G Dance.

ð The ballat bible audio having software for explaining term and its definition

ð The ballat bible quick reference videos -- total 60 videos

Being a ballat dancer and passionate about ballat, I would just recommend this ballat bible package to anyone interested or connected to ballat dance in any way. Regards.

Purchasing information : Website



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