Watson’s TV claims that their televisions have the best performance record on the market. They advertise that after 3 years only 10% of their sold televisions have had any type of repairs

20) Watson’s TV claims that their televisions have the best performance record on the market. They advertise that after 3 years only 10% of their sold televisions have had any type of repairs. The president of the company wanted to confirm that this statement was correct. To do this, a sample of 60 sets was taken of sets that had been sold and were at least 3 years old. Twelve percent of these television sets had been in for repair. The null hypothesis is that there is no difference between the stated percent and the sample data. At the .05 significant level, what can we conclude about the null hypothesis?

A. The data fails to reject the null hypothesis.
B. The null hypothesis is rejected and the difference is significant.
C. The difference is too close to be able to decide.
D. The sample is too small to be able to decide.
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