Complete Guide To Genius

The complete guide to genius, read it, and tell you what , its awesome. Here is what you get with it.

How to turn your spare time into genius building time!

How the dualist mental expansion technique will allow you to use exercise in a way that will increase your memory, concentration and learning, ie your intelligence!

Ten guidelines on how to make the most of a dualist mental expansion technique!

An intelligence building technique for adventurous people involving water!

The passive ways of increasing intelligence with minimal effort!

Step by step schedules of how to increase your rate of intelligence gains without the negative effects of boredom, exhaustion and frustration!

How to make sure you don’t lose the intelligence you gain!

The secrets of genius and how you can systematically achieve the genius intelligence of your dreams!

A table list of everyday professions and their corresponding average IQ so you know what you should be aiming for!

The Glycemic Index of foods and how it affects intelligence!

The foods that naturally increase intelligence!

The twelve guidelines to feed your brain properly!

What you should eat at breakfast everyday to maintain your brainpower!

The link between sugary foods and your brain!

The 15 supplements that will boost your brainpower in ways you never thought possible!

Discover which supplements reverse mental aging!

Discover which supplements restore a youthful memory!

Discover which supplements can help those with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig’s or any other mental disease!

Why and which supplements are important if you want to maximise intelligence in the shortest time!

The forms of education which increase intelligence and those which are useless!

The difference between increasing intelligence and exercising existing intelligence! This will allow you to know when you’re going to get smart!

The negative effects of heavy brain activity and how to cure them!

How to deal with distraction when trying to concentrate!

The link of human behaviour and intelligence!

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!



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