Review the three major types of soil degradation occurring in the environment.
Risk Assessment Report of Malathion
• Resources: Read Appendix B and the Four Steps of Risk Assessment. (Have these when assignment is taken)
• Create an outline of the risk of using Malathion according to the four steps of risk assessment
• Decide your vote for the city council based on your outline.
• Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that presents your evaluation of the risk of Malathion based on your outline. Explain the reasoning for your vote based on the four steps of risk assessment. Consider any relevant political, social, and economic aspects involved.
• Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
The above assignment has a solution. To view full solution, Click Here
In terms of psychology: Describe signal detection theory and sensory adaptation in simple term using examples.
The above assignment has a solution. If you want full solution to this assignment, click here.
Prepare 700-1,050-word paper in which you define marketing. Include in your paper your personal definition of marketing
The above assignemnt has a solution. If you are willing to get a full solution to above assignment then you can view THIS SOLUTION here.
Bi-polar disorder and current trends in diagnosis and treatment
Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper briefly describing the disorder and detailing the current trends in diagnosis and treatment for the disorder you have chosen. Current treatment options are discussed.
Please write the paper over bi-polar disorder.
The above assignment has a solution. If you wish to get the full answer to the above assignment you can view THIS SOLUTION. Hope this helps.
The impact of electronic commerce on the entire United States legal system
Describe the impact of e-business on the global legal environment
The above question has solution. To view Full Solution Click Here
Differences between object-oriented programming languages and generations 1-4 programming languages
The above question has a Solution: To View Solution Click this link
Java Payroll Program
name, the hourly rate, and the number of hours worked. Use a constructor to initialize the
employee information, and a method within that class to calculate the weekly pay. Once
stop is entered as the employee name, the application should terminate.
Alright, so if you are looking java program to the question mentioned above, then you can get the whole solution here : Download Payroll Program
A1 Photography solution

A1 Photography solution includes Trial Balance, Adjustments, Adjusted Trial Balance,Income Statement
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And to Get The Whole Solution Here: This Link
The New You Health Club is considering an expansion. Three proposals are being considered. Each proposal has been analyzed. The profits for three different customer responses for each proposal are shown in the table below:
Customer Response
High Moderate Low
Add New Pool 150,000 50,000 80,000
Add New Gym 100,000 40,000 20,000
(a) What is the best decision using the maximax criterion?
(b) What is the best decision using the maximin criterion?
(c) What is the best decision using the minimax regret criterion?
(d) What is the best decision using the Hurwicz’s criterion if α = 0.4?
6. For the problem given in Question 5, assume that the probability of high demand is 0.5, the probability of medium demand is 0.3, and the probability of low demand is 0.2.
(a) What is your recommendation using the expected value criterion?
(b) What is your recommendation using the expected opportunity loss criterion?
(c) What is the value of perfect information? Interpret its’ meaning.
Solution :
A) Maximax Criterion:
Maximax criterion finds alternatives that maximizes the maximum outcome of the consequences for every alternatives. Here the maximum outcome for each constructions are as below :
Maximum Outcome for:
New Pool: 150,000
New Gym: 100,000
New tennis court: 70,000
As maximax is maximum of all the maximum outcome, it is recommended to construct a new pool.
B) Maximin Criterion:
Unlike maximax, maximin criterion finds alternative.. (Get Full Answer)
Vermont teddy bear project introduction to marketing project
Introduction to marketing project
Visit the Vermont Teddy Bear website at Spend some time investigating the company's products and services by exploring the website. As you navigate the website, consider the following questions, and submit your answers in a double-spaced paper, no more than three pages long, to the Dropbox: Who might be in the target market for Vermont Teddy Bear? Support your answer by referring to the website. What needs are being met by Vermont Teddy Bear? What are the benefits they offer and do they outweigh the costs? How would you rate them on building customer relationships? Why? Briefly describe their marketing mix.
Finally, would you consider buying from Vermont Teddy Bear? Why or why not? (2)What is your fast food product’s marketing mix? Use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is excellent and 5 is totally unsatisfactory. Determine the reason for each rating, and discuss whether the marketer was successful or not in developing the marketing mix.
The fast food product your purchased. *Where you purchased it *Type of fast food restaurant where you purchased
Your product’s marketing mix description and ratings
Solution :: (Download Whole Answer)
Comparison of role of women in religion social and political aspect
Comparison of role of women in religion social and political aspect
A-1 Photography Solution
Hey there,
If you are looking for solution to A1 photography fifth edition, then you can get the solution without wasting countless hours. You can even use this solution to cross check your answers. This solution of A1 Photography double crossed checked solution including A-1 Photography worksheet, income statement, owner's equity, balance sheet and post closing balance.
All these solution are in zipped excel file, so you will just have to unzip it and open excel, and all the worksheets,statements and other balance sheets are formatted clearly in the excel file. I am soo sure you will like the solution because, I have actually crossed checked it with many sources, and its totally accurate. If you feel you dont like the solution then just let me know.
You can get the whole solution here : (DOWNLOAD SOLUTION)
Water pollution eutrophication
Aquifer depletion
overdrawing surface water
saltwater intrusion and salinization
water pollution eutrophication
Solution ::::::>>>>>
Water Pollution
Introduction: Water pollution consists of unfavorable affects on water which makes the water unusable for what one wants it to be used. Water pollution causes major changes in water quality and the ecological condition in water. Pollution in water consists of a wide variety of chemicals, pathogens and altering the physical chemistry of water. Water pollution can be caused by industrial wastes such as heavy metals, resin pellets, organic toxins, oils, nutrients, solids and organic wastes such as sewage, discharges from power stations and silt bearing runoff from Agriculture, deforestation and construction sites. Increased water pollution causes Eutrophication, which involve the chemical nutrients such as .. (GET FULL ANSWER)Design a wide area network (WAN) between offices
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Wan (Wide Area Network)
Introduction:Wan is a geographically dispersed telecommunications network that distinguishes a broader telecommunication structure from a local area network (LAN). A wide area network may be privately owned or rented, but the term usually connotes the inclusion of public (shared user) networks. With a WAN in place, employees at the LANs in any of your offices, regardless of how geographically distant they may be still they can freely exchange files and data with each other as if they were physically connected to one network.
Access Routers: To connect two or more LANs together, each LAN needs a device called an access router. The access router connects to a switch or hub on the local network and serves as a gateway to the WAN. The access routers establish LAN-to-LAN connections and forward network traffic between users.. (Get Full Answer)
To get further answer for : whether your remote access solution will support dial-up or VPN : (Get Remote Access Solution Answer)
Basic ethical theories - Kantian and Utilitarian theories
2. From your list of theories, pick 2 that you would be able to summarize and analyze. Please analyze them in terms of how they would impact the society around you and their importance. ( 2-3) paragraphs
3. Select one of the theories you summarized in step 2 and research at least 3 outside sources to analyze how they are implanted to other societies in the U.S. ( 1-2) paragraphs
reference list on seperate page
Ethics is about morality and how we ought to behave moraly. Ethical principles are ground rules for our moral decision making.
The ethical theories are:
1. Kantian Ethical Theory
2. Utilitarian Ethical Theory
3. Contrast Ethical theory
Kantian Ethical theory:
These are principles that form the basis of Immanuel Kant's non consequentialist theory.
According to this theory we must Act only when we feel that the action is right and this can at the same time become a universal law of nature. People should always be treated as an end in themselves and not as a mere means to an end -- (GET FULL ANSWER)Philosophy powerpoint presentation
Project Topics
•Does the universe have a purpose? Does life have a purpose?
•Is there order in the cosmos independent of what the mind puts there? Could the universe be radically different from how we perceive it?
•Is a person more than a physical body? What is the mind? What is thought?
•Do people really have free will?
•Is there a God?
•Does it make a difference if there is or isn't a God?
•What is art? What is beauty?
•What is truth?
•Is it possible to know anything with absolute certainty?
•What is moral obligation? What is the extent of our moral obligation to other people and other living things?
•What kind of person should I be?
•What are the ethically legitimate functions and scope of the state? What is its proper organization?
Complete the following requirements in your presentation:
•Cover a topic mentioned above, as well as 3-4 principle issues within your topic.
•Develop your personal philosophy concerning the topic you choose.
•Include speaker's notes that add to the presentation and, therefore, are not a replica of the PowerPoint slides.
•Using text and graphics, create 11-14 PowerPointTM slides to illustrate your philosophy. The presentation should include the following:
o1 slide introduction that presents your topic
o3-4 slides that describe 3-4 principle issues within your topic
o3-4 slides that present your views concerning the 3-4 principle issues
o3-4 slides that present historical philosophers' views as support to your theory
o1 slide conclusion
The above question is answered, and can be found here: CLICK HERE
Identity theft essay
Introduction 3
Sensitive Information 3
Potential Risks for E-Customers 4
Potential Risks for E-Businesses 4
Technologies to reduce the risk of Online Identity Theft 5
Server Tools 5
Client Tools 5
Risk Mitigation 5
Online Identity Theft as an E-Commerce Security Risk
Identity theft is stealing of personal information to illegally obtain credit or medical care or to hide from the law. Among other ways, identity theft can occur while processing an online e-commerce transaction.
Online Identity Theft may occur by spyware, insider access or hacking.
Spyware: Malicious software installed in the customer’s computers might send the thief their sensitive information.
Insider access: Employees of businesses may take customer’s sensitive information from business records and sell it, transact with it, or create new accounts under their name.
Hacking: Unauthorized access might expose customer’s sensitive information to identity theft.
Sensitive Information
Sensitive information a thief can use in order to steal customers’ identity includes personal and financial information such us:
1. Name
2. Address
3. Date of Birth
4. Diver’s License number
5. Social Security Number
6. Credit Card Number
7. Bank Account Number
8. Phone Number
Potential Risks for E-Customers
Identity theft expose E-customers when the thief illegitimately uses their sensitive information to gain access to their credit accounts, tap their bank accounts.... (GET FULL ANSWER)
Note: This is total 9 paged report. With APA format.
Five Perspectives on Personality
i) Submit a 350-600 word paper in APA format that discusses one of the five perspectives on personality. Include specific terms from the perspective and demonstrate a clear understanding of how this perspective adequately describes human personality. Use correct in text citations and references.
ii) Use standard essay format including an introduction with a clear thesis
statement, body paragraphs that include a topic sentence, supporting details and transition sentences, and a conclusion that summarizes your paper.
iii) This paper will be graded on how well it addresses the topic, the inclusion of
specific terms given, and an error-free presentation.
**There has to make some changes to the format of paper.
Soo... if you are looking for answer to the above question then you can CLICK HERE
E-commerce Security Risk Essay
The following assignment about E-commerce risk. Its a nine pages APA formatted project. So if you are looking for this assignment you can get it here
Effects of dehydration
Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper about the effects of dehydration. Include answers to
the following:
o Why is water essential to health maintenance?
o What are the functions of water in the body?
o What happens to the body when it does not get the water it needs?
o Compare and contrast how different electrolytes—sodium, potassium, and chloride—
function in the body.
o What effects can alcohol and caffeine have on hydration levels in the body?
o What steps can people take to ensure they do not become dehydrated?
• Submit your paper in APA format with appropriate citations.
Water has many important functions to play in the human body. Water aids the digestive system in breaking down and digesting food and it helps in absorbing various nutrients and minerals. Water helps to flush the bodily system of toxic substances that accumulate in our muscles, bones and tissues. It helps the kidneys to function normally and aids in all excretory functions. Water is also necessary for the functioning of the growth hormones. Water is essential for the good health of the cells of the human body since cells not only contain water but are also surrounded by water. Dehydrated cells become shriveled and cannot function properly. Since cells drive all the functions of the human body, hence water is essential to maintain cell health. Water also helps in weight reduction and breakdown of fat in the body. It maintains proper muscle tone and prevents sagging skin.
When the body does not get the water it needs, it becomes dehydrated and the common signs of.....(Get full answer)
Urbanization powerpoint slides
Click this link
This Slides includes..
>> Importance of Big Cities.
>> Urbanization and productivity.
>> Urbanization and Knowledge. etc.. (lol, if i tell ya all the topics you will prolly make it urself..hehe)
Hope 'someone' finds it helpful... cheerzzz
Business Law 1, Lesson 1
1. Marney sued Chuck for sexual harassment. The jury awarded Marney $1 million. If Chuck thinks the award is unfair, he may file
A. for relief in the trial court.
B. an appeal in the appropriate appellate court.
C. an appeal in the United States Supreme Court.
D. an appeal with an administrative agency.
2. In which of the following scenarios could a federal court exercise jurisdiction over the case?
A. Joe, a citizen of Texas, files suit against Deb, also a citizen of Texas, for unspecified damages resulting from his wrongful termination, based upon stat law.
B. Alice, a citizen of Missouri, files suit against Bob, a citizen of California. For damages of $10,000 resulting from a car accident.
C. Kellen, a citizen of Georgia, files suit against Justin, also a citizen of Georgia, for damages of $80,000 resulting from a car accident.
D. Jamal, a citizen of New York, files suit against Hillary, a citizen of Pennsylvania, for damages of $80,000 resulting from Jamal’s wrongful termination, based upon state law.
3. Which of the following serves as the most significant source of law in the American legal system?
A. Federal statutes C. The United States Constitution\
B. Administrative regulations D. Case law
4. Jane notices that the sole clerk in a convenience store has left the building to take a cigarette break. Jane decides against taking a candy bar from the store because she has always believed that stealing is wrong. Jane’s decision would be classified as
A. duty-based ethics. C. utilitarianism.
B. outcome-based ethics. D. cost-benefit analysis.
5. Which of the following disputes would be considered a good candidate for online dispute resolution?
A. Britney Spears discovers, to her dismay, that Jose previously registered for the domain name
B. Monica purchases a shirt from Eddie’s, a store in a local mall, which also has a Web site called The shirt unravels after one wash, and the store refuses to refund Monica’s money.
C. Ricky Marks agrees to endorse a new product, Handsome Hunk aftershave, on television and radio ads. Marks discovers, to his disbelief, that the aftershave smells like oranges, which he detests. Marks refuses to endorse the product.
D. Sally agrees to accept a freelance writing assignment for Harry Publishing. According to the agreement, Sally is to submit all of her work through e-mail. However, Sally thinks e-mail is overrated and refuses to submit her work by any means other than conventional mail.
6. Hillary sues Mona for damages for what Hillary alleges was her wrongful termination. As what type of law would Hillary’s suit against Mona be classified?
A. National law C. Criminal law
B. International law D. Civil law
7. Which of the following is a true statement about bribery of foreign officials?
A. If the purpose of payment is to get the official to act in his or her official capacity to provide a business opportunity, bribery of foreign government officials is prohibited.
B. Bribery of minor officials is prohibited, even if the payments would hasten an administrative process.
C. Even if bribery of minor officials in the United States is lawful within a foreign country, it is illegal for U.S. companies to participate in the corrupt process.
D. Officers or directors who violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act may be fined up to $200 million and imprisoned for up to twenty years. The company, though, may pay the fine for the officer or director.
8. ABC Corp. develops a soda named Caroline Cola. The sodas are to be canned with labels that feature a picture of a famous actress, Carol Burnett. State authorities refused to grant ABC Corp. the authority it needed to market the sodas. This issue should focus primarily on which amendment to the United States Constitution?
A. Fifth Amendment C. Seventh Amendment
B. First Amendment D. Ninth Amendment
9. In which of the following types of cases would courts make decisions based on a “reasonable consumer”standard?
A. Price gouging C. Deceptive advertising
B. Product liability D. Employment discrimination
10. McDougal’s Restaurant possesses trademark rights to its name. McDougal’s Larry registered the Internet domain name,, to sell his 100% nonbeef food products. McDougal’s wants Larry to stop using its name, but doesn’t want a lengthy court battle. McDougal’s may
A. submit a complaint to an ICANN-approved dispute-resolution provider..
B. file an appeal with the appropriate appellate court.
C. file for relief with the United States Supreme Court.
D. contact the district attorney.
11. Which of the following illustrates an issue that could be settled by online dispute resolution?
A. A product liability suit against an automobile manufacturer
B. A lawsuit for sexual harassment filed against an Internet company and one of its executives
C. A suit against Walport Discount Stores (which also owns an Internet site called regarding a product purchased at a store located in New Jersey
D. A trademark infringement case based upon a dispute regarding a domain name dispute
12. Which of the following situations presents a case over which a federal court may exercise federal jurisdiction?
A. A suit filed by Ally against the city of Boston alleging that a city ordinance restricts her constitutional right to free speech
B. A sit by Joe, a citizen of Tennessee, against Bill, a citizen of New York, seeking damages of $60,000 for intentional infliction of emotional distress
C. A suit filed by Nicole, a citizen of California, against Bob, also a citizen of California , for alimony and child support
D. A suit filed by Company A, a Delaware corporation, against Company B, a South Dakota corporation, alleging that Company B wrongfully interfered with Company A’s contract with one of its employees.
13. Sara isn’t pleased with the quality of a computer she purchased from Byte Computers over the Internet. Byte Computers refuses to refund Sara’s money. If the parties agree to online dispute resolution, the online forum will probably apply
A. the law of the state where Sara lives.
B. universal legal principles.
C. proposed Internet law.
D. the law of the state in which Byte is incorporated.
14. Company A just finished investing millions of dollars in a new product, which should make the company lots of money. Shortly before the product arrives in stores, the company discovers the product may not meet federal guidelines regarding the amount of testing required for the product. Which of the following questions might the product fail?
A. Is the action profitable? C. Is the action ethical?
B. Is the action legal? D. Is the action reasonable?
15. The only way Company A can afford to develop a drug that will cure cancer is to test the drug on a small group of individuals who have cancer. A small risk exists that the experimental drug could actually worsen the cancer in the individuals taking the drug. The company determines that because society as a whole will reap the benefits, it should test the drug on the individuals. Of course, the company explains the risks to the tested individuals. The rationalization engaged in by the company would best be described as
A. duty-based ethics. C. the principle of rights.
B. the Kantian philosophy. D. outcome-based ethics.
16. In which of the following disputes might state law compel arbitration?
A. A school district teachers’ strike
B. A loss of cargo at sea
C. An interstate truckers’ strike
D. An online commerce dispute.
17. Company A owns 1,000 acres of timberland in California. The United States government contacts Company A and informs the company the government needs the timber owned by Company A to build shelters for the homeless. The government informs the company it will be paid $100 for the timber on the land it owns. Which of the following constitutional amendments has the government likely violated?
A. Seventh Amendment C. Ninth Amendment
B. Fifth Amendment D. First Amendment
18. Shannon wants to sue Spelling Industries for her alleged wrongful termination. Shannon should file
A. suit in the appropriate trial court
B. an appeal in the appropriate appellate court
C. suit in the United States Supreme Court
D. suit in the United States Court of Appeals.
19. Marc and Ricky have been involved in an ongoing argument, in which Marc alleges that Ricky stole a song written by Marc, and that Ricky made millions after recording the song. Marc threatens to file suit. However, after he and Ricky meet on several occasions, Ricky agrees to pay Marc $500,000 and to show Marc some of his famous dance moves if Marc agrees not to file suit. Marc eagerly agrees. Marc and Ricky resolved their dispute through
A. mediation. C. negotiation.
B. binding arbitration. D. nonbinding arbitration.
20. Which of the following disputes could be properly resolved by online dispute resolution?
A. A dispute regarding the quality of a computer purchased over the Internet
B. A dispute regarding the quality of an electric razor purchased from a Walport store located in Jacksonville, Florida
C. A dispute between Company A and Company B, Internet companies, where Company A claims Company B stole its program that increases Internet access speed for home computer users
D. Susie files suit against Old Town Clothes due to allegedly defective lowrider jeans. Susie purchased her lowrider jeans at an Old Town Clothes store located in Orlando, Florida. However, the same jeans are available on the Web site
Compare Website Structure
If you are looking for A+ answers which describes all these three website structures then you can get it directly from here:
Spanish and British Methods of Colonization
Answer Overview:
British colonization started in the late 16th century. They were important in the history of colonization (e.g. Roanoke Colony, Jamestown, Newfoundland, to name a few), and during this time period, they became great rivals against the Spaniards. They overtook a lot of other colonies that were started by other countries, such as Scotland's Nova Scotia. When the British invaded these areas, disease usually followed. The natives of the land died off like flies, not used to these new diseases brought by the foreigners. This severely weakened the native civilizations' ability to resist the British. This wasn't very effective though, because disease still continued to kill them off, so they went to Africa and brought in slaves from there.. (Get Full Answer)
Bipolarism paper
Bipolar is under the category of one of a few types of a mood disorder. Although we all experience variations in our moods (normal fluctuations from sadness or stress or whatever may be the case), they are no comparison to the extremes experienced by individuals with bipolar disorder. Those who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder have experiences both episodes of major depression and of mania. (Get full answer)
bipolar bi-polar bipolarism disorder bipolarizm disorder bipolar disorder paper bi-polar disorder paper bipolar bi-polar bipolarism disorder bipolarizm disorder bipolar disorder paper bi-polar disorder paper bipolar bi-polar bipolarism disorder bipolarizm disorder bipolar disorder paper bi-polar disorder paper bipolar bi-polar bipolarism disorder bipolarizm disorder bipolar disorder paper bi-polar disorder paper bipolar bi-polar bipolarism disorder bipolarizm disorder bipolar disorder paper bi-polar disorder paper bipolar bi-polar bipolarism disorder bipolarizm disorder bipolar disorder paper bi-polar disorder paper
Canalization Essay
What is canalization (or Creod), and how do these distinctions help us understand development in children? (Answer Below)
Canalization (Creod)
The concept of canalization proposes a specific typical path called a creod along which nearly all species develop. It was first proposed by Waddington (1957) and more recently applied to mental development by Scarr- Salapateck (1976).But a given attribute follows the creod only as long as the species is exposed to suitable environment which is characteristic of the species. When the typical environment is present then development continues normally. If the environment differs significantly from the specific characteristic of the species, then development may stray ....(Get full Essay)
LAN Topology Design and Cabling
Include a minimum of two scholarly references to support your cabling and LAN topology choices.
Local Area Network (LAN) Topologies
A description of the LAN topology design that will be used at each office
Cabling Specifications
A checklist of cabling specifications for a cabling contractor.
If you are dealing with this question, you can go CLICK HERE and take a look at it. I hope it helps you guys..
An economic profile of the airline industry
o Shifts and price elasticity of supply and demand
o Positive and negative externalities
o Wage inequality
o Monetary and fiscal policies
• Conclude your paper with final thoughts on:
o How the economy affects the success of your chosen industry
o Economic influences that can affect the industry in a negative way.
Get full answer straight away!!!!!!
Impact on The Airlines Industry
Introduction: The airline industry provides air transport services for passengers or cargo. They need to have a recognized operating certificate or license to operate. In order to deliver these services, airlines lease or own their aircraft and may form partnerships or alliances with other airlines for joint gain. The airlines industry is influenced by various forces. The elasticity of demand is influenced by externalities. The September 11th tragedy had a negative affect on the entire travel industry. It not only influenced the fiscal and monetary policies, supply and demand but it also created staffing problems nationwide.
Shifts and price elasticity of supply and demand: In the airlines industry shifts in pricing is one of the key factors which influence airlines revenue since it controls different features of market supply and demand. The elasticity of demand is based on current market conditions and available substitutes. The prices for itineraries differ in different seasons for e.g. winter versus summer. Pricing decisions consists of price adjustments due to a number of markets and competitor appraisal. Therefore prices in important markets are always scrutinized and adjusted in response to competitive pressures and there are special sales until about a month before departure.. (get full answer...yeah its 5 pages long!!
An essay on The plays "Oedipus the King" and "Antigone" by Sophocles
The Play “Oedipus The King" opens with Oedipus as the King of Thebes in ancient Greece. A plague falls upon Thebes and its citizens beg their King to cure the land of the scourge. Oedipus swears to rid his land of the plague and questions all and sundry about the possible cause and the cure for the plague. He suspects Creon, his wife Jocasta's brother. Then a blind prophet named Tiresias tells the King that he himself is the cause of the scourge and the murderer of his own father. Oedipus is enraged and accuses Tiresias of lying but then....(Purchase full essay)
Main Concept of Organizational Behavior
•An introduction and a thesis statement
•A body with supporting evidence and in-text citations
•A conclusion
•A reference list with at least five to seven sources
Choose three organizational behavior main concepts. Your research should uncover how your selected organization successfully uses, or suffers by ignoring, any three of these concepts:
•Decision Making
•Group Behavior
•Power and Politics
•Organizational Structure
•Organizational Culture
•Human Resources Practices
•Change Management
Be sure to provide multiple examples of the main concepts as practiced at the organization.
Many organizations use organizational behavior concepts, but not all organizations publicize their methods for success or missteps to embarrassing failures. Select an organization for which a good amount of research has been conducted and has been made publicly available. Some suggestions are:
•General Electric
•Southwest Airlines
•Time Warner
•SAS Institute
•Whole Foods Market
•Lincoln Electric
•Adobe Systems
Microsoft Corporation
Thesis Statement : Microsoft is a giant multinational organization that deals mainly in software products for computing devices. In this thesis, we shall examine how Microsoft has implemented the organizational concepts of Organizational Structure, Organizational Culture and Human Resources Practices in achieving its mega-success.
Introduction to Microsoft
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Java Cash Register Program
If you are looking for Cash register program written in java programming language then I've got the link for it, of course its not free. So if you really cant figure out where to start or if you are stuck here it is..
Java Cash Register Program Download

acc week