2. From your list of theories, pick 2 that you would be able to summarize and analyze. Please analyze them in terms of how they would impact the society around you and their importance. ( 2-3) paragraphs
3. Select one of the theories you summarized in step 2 and research at least 3 outside sources to analyze how they are implanted to other societies in the U.S. ( 1-2) paragraphs
reference list on seperate page
Ethics is about morality and how we ought to behave moraly. Ethical principles are ground rules for our moral decision making.
The ethical theories are:
1. Kantian Ethical Theory
2. Utilitarian Ethical Theory
3. Contrast Ethical theory
Kantian Ethical theory:
These are principles that form the basis of Immanuel Kant's non consequentialist theory.
According to this theory we must Act only when we feel that the action is right and this can at the same time become a universal law of nature. People should always be treated as an end in themselves and not as a mere means to an end -- (GET FULL ANSWER)