31) _____ can be used to increase the perception that employees are treated fairly.
A. Selective evaluation
B. Multiple raters
C. Documenting with a journal
D. Due process
E. Focusing on subjective evaluations
32) Examples of off-the-job training include all of the following except _____.
A. classroom lectures
B. public seminars
C. Internet courses
D. videotapes
E. apprenticeship programs
33) Training employees how to be better listeners falls under which of the following training categories?
A. ethical skills
B. interpersonal skills
C. problem-solving skills
D. cultural skills
E. technical skills
34) Which type of skill training has become increasingly important in organizations?
A. financial
B. interpersonal
C. problem solving
D. social
E. technical
35) According to a recent survey, about ___ percent of employees working in the 1,000 largest U.S. corporations receive ethics training.
A. 10
B. 75
C. 50
D. 25
36) Organizational structure has six key elements. Which of the following is not one of these elements?
A. centralization
B. formalization
C. work specialization
D. location of authority
E. departmentalization
37) Which of the following is not a primary force for change in organizations?
A. technology
B. social trends
C. decreasing skill sets
D. the nature of the workforce
E. economic shocks
38) The “realistic” personality from Holland’s typology of personality and congruent occupations would be well suited for which of the following jobs?
A. painter
B. lawyer
C. mechanic
D. biologist
E. accountant
39) What term is used for the tendency of an individual to attribute his own successes to internal factors while putting the blame for failures on external factors?
A. fundamental attribution error
B. selective perception
C. consistency
D. stereotyping
E. self-serving bias
40) A task that is subdivided into many separate jobs is considered to have _____.
A. a high degree of departmentalization
B. a low degree of structure
C. a high degree of work specialization
D. a high degree of matrix structuring
E. a low degree of decentralization
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