King Size Menthol Filtered 100mm Nonmenthold
Brand Nicotine Brand Nicotine Brand Nicotine
1 1.6 1 1.1 1 0.7
2 1.0 2 0.9 2 1.1
3 1.0 3 1.1 3 0.5
4 1.1 4 0.8 4 1.1
5 1.5 5 1.2 5 1.1
6 1.3 6 1.4 6 0.8
7 1.2 7 1.0 7 1.1
8 1.0 8 1.2 8 1.2
9 1.2 9 1.4 9 0.8
10 1.1 10 0.9 10 1.0
Do the filters appear to make a difference?
a The results are inconclusive because the king size cigarettes are a different size than the filtered cigarettes.
b No, the filters do not appear to make a difference because there is insufficient evidence to warrant the rejection of the claim.
c No, the filters do not appear to make a difference because there is sufficient evidence to warrant the rejection of the claim.
d Given that the king size cigarettes have the largest mean, it appears that the filters do make a difference (although this conclusion is not justified by the results from analysis of variance).