A. has a marketing orientation.
B. does not adhere to the marketing concept.
C. has determined to satisfy existing customer needs.
D. wants to use a product development strategy.
2 The implementation of the marketing concept in a company should produce company-wide managerial:
A. appreciation of the consumer's role as it is related to the firm's existence, growth, and stability.
B. effort based on participation and interaction of company officers in establishing corporate and departmental goals.
C. concern with the effect of new products on the firm's present and future profit position.
D. attentiveness to all of the above.
3 Strategic planning:
A. includes all the activities that lead to the development of a clear organizational mission, organizational objectives, and appropriate strategies to achieve those objectives.
B. should emphasize current cash flows, market share gains, and earning trends.
C. cannot be used to prepare for inevitable changes in the market environment.
D. should be developed by and be the sole responsibility of the organization's top managers.
4 During the 1940s, Odorono was a very popular, widely advertised antiperspirant. The product was manufactured by the Odorono Company in New York City. The product came in liquid and solid form and eliminated perspiration on hands, feet, forehead, and under arms. The most likely reason why this company no longer exists is:
A. its lack of customer orientation.
B. a poorly chosen name.
C. its failure to modify its strategy to reflect the changing environment.
D. a poor use of the promotional mix.
5 Imagine a chain of steak restaurants that had as its mission statement to provide its customers with the world's best steaks. Changes in consumer tastes resulted in fewer customers for the steakhouses. In Rationale to decreased demand, the restaurant over a period of time added chicken, vegetarian lasagna, seafood, and pizzas to its menu. Now, the chain of restaurants can best be described as a(n):
A. organization that adheres to a production orientation.
B. organization without any strategy.
C. drifting organization.
D. organization that adheres to a selling orientation.
6 Which of the following statements about a mission statement is true?
A. Even though no one denies the importance of the mission statement, it is the least used of all of the management tools.
B. An effective mission statement takes an internal organizational focus.
C. A generalized mission statement is more effective than one that is specific because it allows the organization to respond quickly to a changing environment.
D. It is not uncommon for an organization to spend one to two years developing a useful mission statement.
7 Slatescape is a relatively new company that mines and crushes slate for use as mulch in gardens. In order to __________, the managers of the company reviewed the historical records of the mine from which it is getting the slate. Its managers also determined that slate is available in only a few areas of the world. In addition, the managers examined its acceptance within the community, federal regulations, which affect its operation, and its existing and potential competitors.
A. develop a mission statement
B. distinguish between primary and secondary objectives
C. develop an effective marketing mix
D. evaluate its marketing plan
8 Belinda Nunez wants to open a gallery in which she will feature young Hispanic artists. She was unsure if the new business would succeed until she read in the local newspaper that 55 percent of the community in which she will be operating the gallery is Hispanic. Which of the following statements could describe this situation?
A. Nunez needs to realize that even the most carefully conducted research can be fraught with errors.
B. Nunez needs some primary marketing research before she invests her money and time in this project.
C. Nunez should make the decision to open the gallery based on her own experiences in the community-and not on marketing research alone.
D. All of the above statements can be used to describe this situation.
9 Which of the following statements about marketing research is true?
A. Marketing research proves the old adage, "You get what you pay for."
B. Many marketing managers view marketing research as the final answer to their problems.
C. You don't need intuition or experience when you have marketing research.
D. Good marketing research considers all the factors that could influence the success of a marketing strategy.
10 Reading of Toledo, Inc., makes a streaked griddle that produces char-broiled looking meat without the grease flare-ups, the smoke, or the wasted energy. Sales have been down recently for its streaked griddle. Its marketing manager wonders if the sales decrease is due to consumer health concerns that grilled meat causes cancer. The manager wants to do marketing research to see if the firm needs to modify the product or do more consumer advertising. The marketing manager:
A. is in the first stage of the market research process.
B. must realize this is a channel issue.
C. will have to rely solely on secondary data.
D. will next need to determine how the gathered data will be processed.
11 The Five Ps of the research process are the purpose of the research, the plan of the research, the performance of the research, the processing of the research, and the:
A. preparation of the research.
B. predictability of the research.
C. promotion of the research results.
D. propagation of the research.
12 By the end of the first stage of the marketing research process, managers and researchers should agree on:
A. whether the company will do its own research or hire a marketing research specialist.
B. whether primary or secondary data will be used.
C. the specific question or questions the research is designed to investigate.
D. the type of quantitative research to be conducted.
13 A research plan:
A. explains the methodology, but does not justify its use.
B. is influenced by whether primary or secondary data are to be gathered.
C. is unaffected by who conducts the research.
D. is created as part of the research processing stage.
14 When the television show ER ran its final episode for the 2001-2002 season, it showed two smallpox victims and the subsequent quarantine of everyone who had been exposed to the smallpox. The day prior to the airing of the television show, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention released survey information stating that most Americans do not realize that naturally occurring smallpox has been eradicated from the world. The center's research report is an example of:
A. quantitative primary data.
B. data mining.
C. secondary data.
D. research intended for internal marketing purposes.
15 In terms of consumption decisions, middle class consumers prefer to:
A. buy at a market that sells at a wholesale rates.
B. buy what is popular.
C. buy only the brands which sell at affordable prices.
D. analyze the market and select the best at the lowest prices.
16 Which of the following statements about culture is true?
A. In today's society, family is the key source of culture.
B. Educational institutions do not play a role in transmitting culture.
C. One's culture is based on one's wealth, skill, and power.
D. None of the above statements about culture is true.
17 One of the reasons for the popularity of the Survivor television series is the interaction of urban vs. rural dwellers, baby boomers vs. Gen Xers, and devout Christians vs. agnostics. In other words, the producers of the shows select a variety of:
A. subcultures.
B. social classes.
C. aspirational groups.
D. cultures.
18 Which of the following is an example of a social influence on consumer behavior?
A. The fashion editor of Seventeen magazine writes that any teen who wants to be well-dressed for the first day of school must wear a shirt that shows her bellybutton.
B. The manufacturers of a line of aromatherapy candles markets them at very exclusive stores.
C. When Arne went to the store to buy a new dress for Easter, she decided not to buy anything because of the crowded conditions of the store.
D. Billie purchased a pair of Honey brand clogs instead of the Birkenstocks she wanted because the Birkenstocks were too expensive.
19 Which of the following is the most valuable piece of information for determining the social class of your best friend's parents.
A. How many years of schooling did they have?
B. What is their ethnic background?
C. What is their combined annual income?
D. What are their occupations?
20 Which of the following statements about social classes in the United States is true?
A. The middle class is the largest class.
B. Less than five percent of the population in the U.S. belongs to the upper class.
C. The working class is defined as "family folk" who depend heavily on relatives for economic and emotional support.
D. The middle class is the group most likely to demand instant gratification.